Moroccan Economy
by yudaica2013 ·
They are seven aspects that corrode the national economy they threaten and it: they are reasons of as much concern of a great anguish of the new Benkirane government, foreseen up to 2016, whose program finished to be approved by the members of the Moroccan parliament. the 1/station of plantation that promises to be difficult: This is the first time since 2007 that the requesting conjuncts are carried through to ask for rain were little rain, says the specialists, and if the situation to continue thus later 15 of February, the entire season will be compromised, especially for the cereals. The primary sector contributes with 17% for the national GIP and more than uses 50% of the work force. The weak harvest will have impact on the Box of Compensation, but also the trade balance can support an increase of importation of cereals, whose prices had gone up acentuadamente, with the consequences foreseen on the exchange reserves. 2/hydro-carbons, the abyss of the Compensation: These last years, the prices of hidrocarbonetes increasing profits had registered, to the durable times, as the period where the cost of the oil exceeded 100 dollars, had to the increase of the munidal demand, mainly of China and India. This has a significant impact on the economy of Morocco, a involved not producing country in one politics of great projectos that require much energy. This situation will mark the action of the Benkirane government as, before it, the government El Fassi, that passed most of its time to look sources adds of financing for Box of Compensation with a value has remembered in 2011 of 45 billion dirhams (DH), instead of – now – treating to controversas de17 DH millions. This year, the government can have that to the same face problem that of its predecessor because, beyond the demands of the two Asian giants, it also has the tension prevalecente in the producing areas, as of Anger.