Posts Tagged ‘society and culture’


Federal District

by yudaica2013 ·

The attendant, to exert its functions in the SAC, must be enabled with the abilities procedural techniques and necessary to carry through the adequate attendance to the consumer, in clear language. You are welcome he advances to disponibilizar a tool and not to give the due importance to the processes to optimize its functionality. Beyond increasing the insatisfao degree, he generates futures conflicts that could be brightened up or be decided with effectiveness. We come back to the question of the training and qualification of the professionals, who must have conscience of the necessary phases for finishing of the atendimentos. The attendance central offices are full of operators at the beginning of its professional careers and many times, are the first job. The management for abilities it is not made correctly by the sectors of Human resources.

‘ ‘ Insatisfao’ ‘ still it is the heard word more, when it is said in SAC. The consumer is more demanding, has conscience of its rights and searchs standards of attendance of high level. The companies who base its corporative initiatives in this context with certainty if sobressaem in the market. The management of relationship with customer must offer a bigger fan of attendance possibilities. Contacts for telephone, web (email and fruns) and auto-attendance. The Units of Audible Attendance? URA are used as auto-attendance form, but many customers still have difficulties to arrive at the finishing of the process. 6? ACCOMPANIMENT AND RESOLUTION OF the DEMANDS On this item, Decree 6,523 determines: Art.

15. It will be allowed to the accompaniment for the consumer of all its demands by means of numerical register, that will be informed to it at the beginning of the attendance. The Central offices of focadas Atendimento and Ouvidorias in results have this well defined question. A good example it is the attendance of the Ouvidoria of the Military Policy of the Federal District: Como the user can follow the course of the demand? Reply: ‘ ‘ At the moment of the opening of the process I contend the request of the user, the system of the Ouvidoria automatically generates a number, that allows it to follow its course.


Wedge White

by yudaica2013 ·

Following the thought of if excluding black as heroic part of the Brazilian race, Zil Bernd speaks of the creation of sertanejo as the substitute for the heroic indian: Euclides of the Wedge, in the Sertes (1902), retakes of certain form, the alencariano project to explain Brazil and walked its in identity search. Where they weigh the mistakes that commit in relation to the race conceptualization, mistakes these in its majority due to the influence of its master, the anthropologist, Sing to sleep Rodrigues. The sertes important landmark consists of restoring modernity in Brazilian literature. ' ' homem' ' of Euclides he is sertanejo that, even so ethnically mixed, one consists far from the coast, distanciado of the historical circumstances and of determined requirements that could have desvirtuado its formao' '. (2003. Tony Parker brings even more insight to the discussion. P. 55). Zil continues its thought and says that: Sertanejo (preferential crossing of white with indian), even so crossbred, had to the isolation of the hinterland, has ' ' manly nature and adventurer of avs' ' , while mestizo of the coast (preferential crossing of white with black) is ' ' desequilibrado' ' , ' ' instvel' ' ' ' anmalo' '.

Soon, the emblematic hero is sertanejo, symbol of the rising Brazilian race. (they idem P. 58). That is, the black suffers a species from ' ' apagamento' ' in the national memory, as much for the question of the slavery, as for ' ' ser' ' former-slave son. So that if he does not walk in circles, retaking worked that already they had been made on white writers who speak on blacks, Eduardo de Assis Duarte in Literature and Afro-descent cites itself (2006) Since the colonial period, the work of the afro-Brazilians if makes gift in all praticamemente the fields of the artistic activity, but nor always getting the recognition due. In the case of literature, this production suffers, throughout the time, impediments several its spreading, to start for the proper materialization in book.


New Cinema

by yudaica2013 ·

The estria mixture the idea of exploration of the agricultural worker for the large estate owner, with the religious misticismo, in elapsing of the Manuel film joins it a group of ' ' revolucionrios' ' that it has a leader spiritual called Devout Sebastio, the wizard finishes for reeducar Manuel with promises of a new life, its Pink wife is left of side and to the few she goes creating a feeling of revolt and hatred for the devout Sebastio. The misery, the hunger and the coronelismo are marcantes traces of the carried through films north-eastern Brazilian, the directors who had appeared with the proposal of the New Cinema were worried more before nothing about the largeness of details of its workmanships, being based on the cinema style American North Western or Western spaghetti, as the produced ones for Italian directors are known, this work of Glauber still makes use of open plans that almost show a dry landscape and without vegetation, with a strong and escaldante sun, in this scene all is developed a tram that presents the Manuel personage who impersonaties the figure of the man of the hinterland northeastern. The messianic question also is enxertada in the film and is brought tona through the figure of the devout Sebastio, the visionaries is inserted in many stories national and is typical north-eastern Brazilian, men who destine its lives to help populations of provincial cities that search the salvation desesperadamente. Read more from Indycar to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The director of Dry Lives resembles it in such a way Glauber Rock for the genius in conceiving critical films how much for the performance exerted for backwards of the cameras, what he seems to be a trace as much that peculiar enters cineastas of this new cinematographic aesthetic movement. The cinema offers an extremely ample field of research on what we understand as reality, as is presented by Christian Metz in its workmanship the Significao in the Cinema: ' ' The cinema is ample subject for which it has an access way more than. .


Each Occasion

by yudaica2013 ·

To choose one vidrinho of perfume can be a mission sufficiently complicated, mainly when if it deals with feminine perfumes and when it has innumerable options of beautiful fragrances, they are national or imported. But, after all, as to choose the ideal perfume for each situation? The fan of cheiros and marks is very great the first step in the choice of a perfume is you to know the type of smells that more it pleases to it: if adocicado or citric. Therefore, always he tries the fragrance in the skin before buying it, thus you are certain of as the perfume will be adaptar to its for and prevents possible disappointments with its acquisition. Women tend to prefer perfumes that sufficiently last different time and fragrances for each occasion. For example, the used perfumes in the day the day of the work are more candies, with an intensity that is not exageradamente strong for who is for close.

Already the perfumes that are used in social events can more be accented fragrances and must in accordance with be chosen the type of event. It sees to follow the classification of fragrances for each type of situation: – Work: it has who prefers fragrances more nocturnal (vanilla, wood and amber) and other diurnas (citric, floral and frutais). The important one is not to bother the people. – Ballad: cooling citric perfumes are a good one asked for, but it prefers marcantes. Soft tones are indicated for who go for the ballad with the friends. Already one will have been accompanied by of the opposing sex, uses strong tones. – Academy: revigorantes, the citric ones are the ideals for the hour of the trainings. But they ask for moderation, therefore perspiration can intensify them.

– House: a colony must be used splash or lavanda as the spirit state. If the person is gladder, certainly she will use a cooler and vibrant fragrance. – Romantic Supper: colony with coolness touchs, vanilla (adocicados) or oriental. Other people prefer something lighter as a touch of coolness or frutal. – Social Event: fragrances floral (floral bouquet or floral more opulentos).



by yudaica2013 ·

1-TERM OF REFERENCE OF the CONFERENCE SUBJECT: ' ' The Delinquncia Infanto-Youthful in the Kilamba-Kiaxi' ' The Delinquncia Infanto-Youthful is a social fenmeno, based in the disobedience of the laws, moral regulations or principles on the part of the adolescents and young. Being able still to be understood as the delicts committed for adolescents and young in relaco to the norms established for the State, it constitutes a punishable crime of law. In Angola, reached the Peace in 2002, aps a terrible period of civil war devastated that it during about 30 years, the Delinquncia appears most of the time as an exit many adolescents and young to affirm itself in the seio of Angolan society e, concomitantly will be able to suppress some of its basic material and financial necessities. But also, they exist adolescent or young whose families until, well are located in the social and econmica sphere, but that exactly thus, they incur to the Vandalism and the Delinquncia, which had the negative influences of this society, in the way to think, to act, to be to be in the conviviality with the others. The actuais societies, almost that they do not have great illustrious representative symbols, to who the same ones can be felt inspired, from there that some use this practise, although reprovvel, to impose itself in the social environment. Therefore, now more than what never e, in the Kilamba-Kiaxi in particular, is urgent the necessity of efforts for the weakness of the fenmeno will be conjugated. Policia will fit evidently National, to guarantee the total public security, but also, is necessary that the parents and other people in charge strengthen the attention stop with its adolescents and young and, still more, that the same Churches always go persuading a not to incur to the crime. Finally, that if they create more ranks of jobs, libraries, jangos and houses of youth and, of recreation of forms, to stimulate the same ones to recoup its auto-pride and they esteem, because let us admit: the fact future, belongs to the young! Objectivos Of specific form, intends that the Conference looks for: Reflectir around the delinquncia infanto-youthful in Luanda and, in the city of the Kilamba-Kiaxi, particular; Compreender the real situation of the adolescents and young of the city before the picture to be presented in the related event; Elaborar recommendations face to the picture to be presented, on the intervention priorities the local level for the improvement of the situation of this group of the society.