Posts Tagged ‘literature’


Zilberman Society

by yudaica2013 ·

Leaving of this estimated, he fits the reflections of Zilberman that explana clearly that in a society that grows by means of industrialization and if it modernizes in result of the new available technological resources, infantile literature assumes, since the start, the merchandise condition. There the importance of books, as of Wander the Antunes, to be adequate the situation of the current society, where, even so some values we importantssimos they are not taken advantage, still they exist reading made use to live in way literature. When inquiring ' ' to live literatura' ' we cannot leave to comment on the paper of the school in this experience. The union of literature and the school start from the moment that the child if sees in way the workmanships printed that, in the truth, are disponibilizadas in the proper school. It is used to advantage to remember that the responsible one in stimulating the infantile reader is the school to admire and to have contact with the literary compositions. Let us see what Zilberman displays: The bows between literature and the school start since this point: the qualification of the child for the consumption of workmanships printed.

This sets in motion a circuit that places literature, of a side, as intermediate between the child and the society of consumption that if imposes to the few; e, of other, as caudatria of the action of the school, to who fits to promote and to stimulate as condition to make possible its proper circulation. (Zilberman and Lajolo, 2006. P. 17) Nelly Novaes Rabbit 2005 affirms that we are with that they say ' ' sim' ' literature, and in special, those that know that literature contributes for the formation of it leitorem society. Aindaexpe that is to the book that we attribute the biggest responsibility of the formation of the conscience of world of the children and the young.


The Sea

by yudaica2013 ·

We cannot also forget that the poets simbolistas figures sonorous effect as the aliterao, assonncia. The poems that will be analyzed start sending in them to the sound, the musicalidade soon in its name, ' ' Sonata' ' rias of the Luar' ' ' ' Bandolim' ' therefore they are compositions or musical instruments. When reading the poem of Cruz and Sousa ' ' Sonata' ' we can analyze it and to find resources that make in them understands it as a simbolista poet and that it uses resources that make with that its poem has rhythm, musicalidade. In the poem some symbols are marked with initials capital as: the Sea and the Moon. Being that the Sea is one of the main symbols presented in the poem meaning the waters in movements. As in verses: Songs, light songs of gondoleiros, Songs of the Love, nostalgic ballads, You sing with the Sea, with the esverdeadas fog waves, languid and trembling! (Cruz and Sousa) the Sea if identifies as deposits of latent emotions and that it packs the songs of love of the gondoleiros. In the poem the Sea is sinestesicamente, portraied in sounds and grumbles as if they were cnticos. The linking of the poem to the musicalidade is represented by the use of the vocbulos flutes, harps, alades, cntico, songs and ballad, and for the job of the aliterao (musical repetition of consonants) and assonncia (repetition of vowels). Trites marine, beautiful deuses rudes, Deities of the tartars abysses, You vibrate, with the greens and acres eletrismos Of the vacant, flutes and harps and alades! (Cruz and Sousa) the poem presents four quarteto, of four verses, with esquama metric fixture of you rhyme parallel bars, with rhythmic project ABBA and CDDC. Important we observe that this rigid project of the metric one makes the poem to come close itself to the aesthetic parnasiana.


The Romantics

by yudaica2013 ·

Throughout the centuries had occurred the evolutions of the languages and the forms of varied expression meet each time more. In way that literature suffers historical influences, lingusticas and cultural in elapsing of its trajectory, changes these that if they reflect in the arts and the way to think and to act of a generation. Being literature on result of the quarrels and thoughts to one determined time and culture. The way to write and the form to express of an author or a school take emotion, commotion and criticidade to the intent reader to the space between lineses of the workmanship that bases its lives deeply social. The emotion in the poetries or the revolts in chats social changes the thought criticizes of the reading public, as well as its way to act, being these the main targets of the workmanships, that many times show or try to show the real face of so suffered society. Literature possesss the characteristics to revolutionize times in diverse aspects, being deliberated modifications and advances in the culture, the effective language and the forms of behavior, everything inside of an ample prism of people and its interferences, languages and cultures, become a way of transmission of ideas and thoughts. The Romantismo, literary school of century XVIII, was an artistic movement, politician and philosophical, in which possua as main characteristics a contrary vision of world to the rationalism, marked the neoclssico period and searched a exacerbado and utopian nationalism in the figure of the indian. Also marked for a strong subjetivismo, in order to influence in the arts and the life the taste for the death, the perfect idealizao of the perfect love, the cordialidade, among others characteristic. The Modernismo of century XX possua the characteristic to revolutionize the arts, in only in the writings as them you chat and the poetries, but also in the sculpture, the architecture, the painting and music.


Minas Gerais

by yudaica2013 ·

Its poems are marked by the musicalidade (constant use of aliteraes), for the individualism, for the sensualismo, to the times for the desperation, the times for the pacification, beyond an obsession for the white color. It is certain that innumerable references to the white color meet, as well as a transparency, to the translucidez, the cloudiness and to brightness, and to many other colors, all always gifts in its verses. In the aspect of influences of the symbolism, an amalgam is noticed that conflui waters of the Satanism of Baudelaire to the espiritualismo on in such a way the effective aesthetic trends as the phases in the life of the author. When Cruz and Souza say ' ' brancura' ' , she is necessary to appeal to the highest meanings of this word, much beyond the color in itself. Alfonso Enrique of the Guimares Coast, was born in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, in 24 of July of 1870 and died, in Mariana, the 15 of July of 1921.

Ouro Preto was the scene of the first years of the life of the Poet who since its infancy gave signals of extreme sensitivity and accented introversion. Considered one of the great names of the mstico Symbolism, and for times of the Brazilian poets, Alphonsus de Guimaraens dealt with in its verses love, death and religiosidade. The death of its Constana fianc, in 1888, marked deeply its life and its workmanship, whose verses, melancholic and musical, are repletos of angels, serafins, purple colors and virgin deceased. Its sonetos present one classic structure, and is deeply religious and sensible in the measure where it explores the direction of the death, of the impossible love, the solitude and the inaptao to the world. However, the mstico tone ahead prints in its workmanship a feeling of acceptance and resignation of the proper life, of the sufferings and pains.