Posts Tagged ‘technology’


An Overview Of Instruments And Devices For Wiretapping

by yudaica2013 ·

To date, information is the most expensive item of trade. How it is getting set. From digging in the garbage (by the way, the way is very effective – you can learn well, just everything about the client), to file listening telephone conversations and habitable premises. General rules about the hidden data acquisition are contained in the Constitution. Details can be found by clicking Jorge Perez or emailing the administrator. Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to privacy, personal correspondence, rights, health and freedoms. Everyone has the right to privacy correspondence, telephone conversations Restrictions on this right shall be permitted only in cases and in the manner expressly provided by law. But the points of the Constitution are violated everywhere in order to malicious, such as blackmail or sales information, and to protect themselves. The main means of interception are the so-called bugs or . May contact (radio bugs, stethoscopes), or contactless (directional microphones, laser microphones), scutes can be embedded into a phone line or mount directly to the phone bug can be masked by any piece of furniture. So, let’s briefly consider certain types of equipment for wiretapping. Read more here: Celina Dubin. Phone ‘bugs’ Phone bugs are used to listening room while on the handset, and if the telephone receiver is removed, it is fixing telephone conversation. Information is removed from the telephone line.

Power is supplied from the telephone line bugs Radio This is the most common type of beetles, representing a microtransmitter working in the vhf or fm radio frequency. Nutrition comes from batteries or ac 220V. The main drawback – it’s limited battery life listening device (when powered by batteries) due to limited battery. Radiostetoskopy apply in cases where there is no way to get inside. Bugs-radiostetoskopy attached to the walls, window frames, to all sorts of pipes within the investigated area. Radiostetoskopy converts the signal into an acoustic vibration and subsequent transfer of the radio channel. Remote microphones Directional microphones. When pointing the microphone at the target, the sound is amplified. Later it You can record and listen to. Laser microphones – are removed by laser vibration signal from the glass. Can be attributed to the remote and the radio a bullet during firing which they are attached to the wall of the subject premises and transmit converted to an acoustic signal over the air.


Programming Objective

by yudaica2013 ·

The main objective of this phase is the construction of the software system, with focus in the development and management of components and other resources of the system and in the control of operations, similar to optimize the profits, programming and the quality. It is in the phase of Construction that most of codification occurs. Phase of Transistion: It is the phase with objective of delivery of software to the final user and the phase of tests and corrections on the basis of feedbacks of the user. The objective of this phase is to disponibilizar the system, becoming it available and understood for the final user through activities that include the training of the final users, tests of the version beta of the system, aiming at to guarantee that software possesss the adequate and acceptable level of qualidade.DisciplinasUma discipline it is a set of activities related to an area of important interest in all the project. The main objective of the grouping of activities in you discipline is to help to understand the project from a perspective in cascade traditional.

For example, generally it is more common to execute definitive activities of requirements in direct coordination with the activities of analysis and design. The separation of these activities in you discipline distinct facilitates the understanding, but it makes it difficult the programming. Modeling business-oriented: We define the architecture business-oriented as an organized set of elements with transparent relationships ones with the others that, together, all form one definite one for the corresponding functionality. The elements represent the organizacional and mannering structure of a system and show to abstractions of the main processes and structures of the business. In this phase the Organization chart of the organization is created of the processes, the elaboration of the structural vision of the organization, the culture of the same one, as well as the development of abilities of the team and in the definition of the mechanisms and standards and to be applied.


Home Theater

by yudaica2013 ·

In recent years increased in popularity and relevance of buying a home theater. Frequently Related Group has said that publicly. A huge number of visitors to cinemas spend part of their budget on a monthly basis to enjoy the spectacle and to teach the charge positive emotions. But now an opportunity to enjoy surround sound and a colorful picture of a favorite movie in the comfort of your home. Home Theatre – is a complex and delicate system that can not be considered in isolation from the specific conditions of installation and future primary purpose. Modern home theater is a multifunctional complex, which allows you to enjoy surround sound and a colorful picture of a favorite movie in the comfort of your home. The main factor for high-quality surround sound “home theater” is the use of multichannel sound systems processor-based digital audio formats such as Dolby Digital & Dts, amps of different configurations, speaker systems designed specifically for home theater.

At the sound of loudspeakers particularly influenced by the cable used. For home theater systems use a special speaker cable with copper conductors, produced by special technology of rolled metal with a low content oxygen doped with precious metals – gold and silver. An important point in establishing a system of ‘home cinema’ is a competent sound training facilities, without which even the most advanced acoustic system will not be able to realize their potential. Tony Parker shines more light on the discussion. For this purpose special sound-absorbing ceilings, walls and flooring, as well as a variety of reflective surfaces. No less important in a home theater, is visual equipment. Typically, video sources in the system is DVD-players. The quality of imaging depends precisely on those sources. After that, the image is displayed on the screen, as which can act as a normal tv and plasma tv. But it is more comfortable using a ‘home theater’ projector with a projection screen. With this combination, perhaps, to get the most big image with superb image quality. Such a combination of video equipment and surround sound will immerse themselves in a scene that occurs on the screen and feel all those special effects, which are conceived director of the film. We should not forget that the selection of home theater, this is a serious problem that can be entrusted only to qualified professionals.


Electronics Games

by yudaica2013 ·

Summary: The present intitled article ' ' ELECTRONIC GAMES: A partner-cultural phenomenon in the world moderno' ' it has for objective to approach as the electronic games influence in the way of life of the players and as they had firmed as culture, telling its benefits and curses and as they serve for the formation of the personality. The article deals with first the video-games and games and as they had contributed in the formation of a new style of culture and that benefits and curses this culture brought obtains and as came evolving and if transforming the games and its players. Word-Key: Electronic games, Social Culture, Games. Abstract: This article entitled ' ' ELECTRONIC GAMES: Sociocultural phenomenon in the modern world' ' is meant you address how video games affect the livelihood of the players and how they established themselves culture, describing to their benefits and harms and how they serves will be the formation of personality. This article is the first video games and this games and how they have fostered new style of culture and the benefits and harm brought culture and how it cam evolving and transforming the game and its players. Key Words: Electronics Games, Culture, Social Games.

1 INTRODUCTION the growth of the conviviality technological man and ways for the entertainment makes possible in them to live deeply some experiences. Through the electronic games we see directly as the conviviality with the technology some times influences in them. Since its sprouting for military purposes, in years 50, the games made possible to have strategical slight knowledge of the operations and its consequncias in the combat field, but it was with the popularizao of the video-games, in middle of years 70, that in them it was possible to observe the sprouting of a new culture, culture this on one to the half electronic and the video-games.